原创 (我家这一年)深圳过年记:有家人的地方就是年 | 奇妙中国看澳门最快开奖年
What’s it like to celebrate the New Year in Shenzhen, a "city of immigrants"? This Spring Festival, I was invited by my aunt’s family and drove with my parents to Shenzhen for this grand holiday. With modern city light shows, the charm of a traditional Chinese town, and the energetic vibe of this youthful city, join me in experiencing Shenzhen’s unique spirit and allure! From cooking the New Year’s feast together and drawing lucky red envelopes, to catching late-night screenings of holiday blockbusters, everything you imagine for a Spring Festival is here! (Lin Zhuowei)
10月18日中央纪委国家监委网站刊文《初心蒙尘 贪欲祸身》,剖析了郭庆严重违纪违法案。对其霸道行径有详细描述。文中提到,郭庆大搞“一言堂”,由“班长”变成了“家长”,在一次项目评审会上,对持不同意见的副县长指鼻臭骂,甚至会后还叫来当面呵斥。